Monday, June 29, 2009

Social Media Marketing- is it working for you

Recently I completed an in-depth 75min teleseminar on
“How to use social media marketing tactics to grow your business” For details go to:

Monday, June 08, 2009

Social Bookmarking - 3 reason to use it in business

If you are trying to sell things on the Internet and you do not have a blog you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. Would you go to play golf without a putter?

Your competition is blogging and they are beating your pants off every day with ease. A part of blogging is submitting your articles to social directories.

Here are 3 reasons social bookmarking must be a part of your business.

1. Social Bookmarking is a popular way to get information. Directories like Digg and Reddit are quickly becoming the choice of people all over the world as a way to keep up to date on what is going on.
If you are not blogging and submitting to relevant social directories you are missing out on this easy form of traffic.

2. Social bookmarking is easy to do. Here's what you need. You should get a Blogger blog and set it up so that you can quickly bookmark the top directories. Then you should post in your blog everyday. If you can talk and type you can blog.

3. Social Bookmarking is an interactive way to develop relationships with your readers. This has become know as Web 2.0 and it is important to the future of your business.

People still like to deal with people. This is an age-old sales trick that sometimes gets lost on the Internet. By making yourself and your blog interactive you become a real person. This will help increase your chances for sales and repeat sales.

4. Search engines love social book marketing sites. You are making their life easy when you blog around keyword rich topics that a person researching can find. When you master the techniques of social book marketing you will find you can get on page one of Google and other search engines very quickly.

The reason for this is search engines are spidering Digg, Reddit, stumble upon, and many more non-stop looking for fresh relevant content to put online. This may as well be you as opposed to your competition.

If all of this seems confusing it really shouldn't be. Read join my newsletter and get my “Social Media Sales Report. It is a free report you will receive once you join my newsletter. In it you will learn everything you ever wanted to know on social book marketing and how to use it to increase your business.

Do not wait until tomorrow to get started. Do it today and your business will thank you.

Recently I completed an in-depth 75min teleseminar on
“How to use social media marketing tactics to grow your business” For details go to:
at http://